They are right next to you, armed, they want to kill you, but you don’t know why. You haven’t hurt anyone in your life. You don’t understand what’s going on. They start beating you, they have already killed your kids…you’re on your own now. You've got no one to turn to.
You yield, “Please, stop! It hurts!” But nobody seems to listen. They are killing you with no compassion.
Imagine now this time it is not you, but an animal, which also hasn’t hurt anybody in its entire life, and doesn’t understand what’s happening. It is an animal that can feel pain just like you, an animal that wishes to say: “PLEASE, STOP!” But it can’t.
In this exact moment thousands of animals of different species are being killed because of food, clothes, laboratory tests, or just because of cruelty. All that is happening while you are reading this post at home, workplace, or at university.
You can do something about it. You may think your part is too small to matter, but believe me, every little effort from every single person counts. You can make a difference. Educate our future generations, show and explain them the pain and suffering men are causing in animals. Guide them.
Make a start now!
Animal can have a voice, YOU.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Mahatama Gandhi
Posted by Valeria
well Vale I really like ur topic ...
I cant believe how the world is getting worse cause of our bad and selfish actions
congratulations guys!!! I hope u keep writting about animals ..they are part of this world like us they deserve the same...we are animals also ..
well i wanna keep reading about this on the internet to write a better opinio and can help u with some facts also!!!
Valeria, i like your post very much. I agree with you. The problem is that people only think about themselves. They don't give a damn about what happens around them. And the main cause of this is selfishness. I mean, the human being is becoming more and more selfish, taking advantage of his power and superiority over the nature. the day that humas realizes what they are doing, it's going to be a completly different world
Hi there!
I like animals and sometimes I can't believe how evil people can be with animals! It makes me sick...
I can't stand animal cruelty
It think It's a great idea to provide this information because that way people is not going to be blind any more...
I hope this stops soon.
those kind of people should be severely punished...
I have to go now, Good bye
Hi Vale!
well... certainly I didn´t think this post was goin´ to be so touching...
the phrase "thousands of animals are dying while you are reading this post at home" or something like that really killed me .S
Well... someone once said to me: "Once you open your eyes and see, you can´t close them again"
I´m glad you opened them, and that you are trying other people to do it too .)
take care.
That's right! Couldn't have said it better! We all can make the difference if it's only by spreading the word, letting people know what's happening.
People sometimes forget we're animals too, we just walk on two feet and tend to be awfully selfish... and cruel.
Great work, honey. I really liked it. Specially the pic! haha
This is one of the issues on which we all have a similar opinion; that of a complete disavowal against animal abuse. We claim to care about animals and feel pity for them, but what do we actually do to help change this situation? Easy answer: nothing.
I agree upon education is a critical matter; both, as long and short-term measure, in order to grow conscious children and educate mature people. Besides that, I think we ought to take a more active attitude towards stopping animal maltreatment. How? Be aware of what are you consuming. Do not purchase leather or fur clothing; Use cosmetics of brands that do not experiment on animals (Find on the net), decrease your meat consumption, start eating vegetables and be a responsible animal owner. These are a few tangible steps to take and commencing make the change NOW!
Mathius O'Nell Duque.
Serius Vale, I really hate this kind of topics, I'm so sensitive when we'r talking about animals' life, if we can call this fact "life".
We always forget that we'r animals too, and is completly right this problem is about all of us, but is so difficult keep it on focus while all our planet is being destroyed about us.
I feel happy to see this document done for u... a classmate mine!!! (ALMOST jeje)
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